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Channel & Discord Changelogs - June 18th 2024


Channel Update 3.10

The one that got out of hand

It's been ten months since the last major update to the stream and now that we're halfway into Year 2, it was well past time to make changes that are more substantial than "Here are more meme scenes". The goal with this update is to address a significant portion of technical debt that's been accumulating over the past two years by addressing long-standing issues and limitations with the way that streams are currently run.

In rectifying these issues, it'll allow for a much more streamlined setup that'll require less overhead to run the stream and make it easier to document individual processes for future reference while leaving enough room for new software & tools to make running stream along with [REDACTED] much less convoluted.

General Changes & Fixes

  • Addressed an issue that would toggle OBS recording when users would input !lurk in chat.
  • Fixed a bug with gift subs accidentally triggering the wrong alert
  • Addressed an error with “It was at this moment he knew” not correctly triggering a black and white scene across all other scenes
  • Normalized volume across all sound alerts and meme scenes.
  • Reassessed Sound Alert bit pricing
  • Addressed a microphone problem where the audio would peak erratically.
    • Turns out proximity to mic plays a massive role in this. Who knew?
  • Added missing display source for left side monitor.
  • Addressed alignment issues with some meme scenes that were located near the old StreamElements event list overlay.
  • Changed alignment of all camera sources across all scenes to reduce mid-stream camera adjustments
  • Fixed a problem with duplicate ad timer messages. Now uses Sery-Bot.
  • Moved all redeems to Streamer.Bot & added a killswitch for all redeems and scenes.
  • Converted all Channel Point Redemption meme scenes to Events on Touch Portal.
  • Channel Point Redeems and Commands now share the same system for activation.
  • Addresses an issue with Mixitup where names could appear outside the bounds of the screen.
  • Fixed an issue where starting ads would not automatically fire upon starting stream.
  • Addressed an error with MixItUp alerts not playing from the proper Audio Source.
  • Increased frequency of Timer Messages.
  • Revised the functionality of the “Alerts off“ button. Will now target alerts AND commands.


  • Added a new transition scene along with its own toggle.
    • It'll give scene transitions a rather toasty flair.
  • Added 25 new meme scenes.
  • Meme Commands RETURN.
    • Subscribers get exclusive access to meme commands and they're a real !riot.
    • Information about Meme Commands can be found here
  • Bits & Subscription alerts now have Text to Speech!
  • Channel Point Redemptions now have images.
    • sweet jesus finally
  • Mighty Toot, Whiteboard, and Kirby Song Time Return!
  • Added new Hype Train Alert & other effects using the Twitch Alert system!
  • Hello There, Noot Noot, & Applause are now unique meme scenes.
  • Added Play/Pause button to Touch Portal to control music playing from MixItUp
    • All tracks currently in the playlist are from Unicorn Heads and are part of the YouTube Music Library.
  • Added Zoom Camera mode to Touch Portal
  • [REDACTED] Mode added to Touch Portal.
  • [REDACTED] Commands are also being tested.
  • More emotes are coming.


  • Removed all mentions of Instagram from timer messages, commands, and scenes.
  • Removed all sound alert channel point redemptions
  • All Sound Alerts are now in the extension menu and all of them cost varying bit amounts to use now.
  • Removed Ko-fi timer message.
  • Call to Action for Ko-Fi will be displayed in a new timer message alongside subs, bits, and more
  • Archived Technical Difficulties & Intermission scenes to address scene overlap.
    • Current Scene Stack: Starting Soon -> FullScreenCamera-> MainDisplay -> Stream Finished
  • Archived Evil & static Wheeze emote.
  • Wheeze is now an animated Emote.

Starting Soon

  • Added New B-roll that combines Year 1 Facecam B-roll with the Year 2 Starting Soon B-roll footage.
  • Added Clip montage source.
  • Added new text source and changed the layout to accommodate clip montage source

Be Right Back

  • Added new B-roll footage based off the Year 0/1 Starting Soon screen.
  • Added Words on Stream source and new text layout.
    • Implemented a fallback source using the clip montage scene if words on stream is non-operational.

Main Display

  • Rearranged size & placement, and zoom of the SquareCam scene.
  • Adjusted camera meme scenes.
  • Readjusted text of all sources to better accommodate the new camera layout.
  • Added new "BRB" text source for shorter breaks.

Stream Finished

  • Rearranged Text layout to better accommodate a new Credits scene running off of Streamerbot
    • Includes special thanks for people redeeming points, raiding, subscribing, gifting, following, and more!

Known issues:

  • Some text sources will clip past the screen in the Mixitup Alert box.
  • Erratic peaking in microphone still somewhat present, even after adjustments.

The Breadbox Discord - Update 3.05

The one with the Categories & Roles

This Discord has mostly stayed the same for a while with some minor adjustments here and there. The goal with this update is to make browsing the server less confusing & to better solidify branding & identificaton for followers, subscribers, and moderators while giving the latter the right tools to better supervise the server.

  • Removed Help-center category.
  • Moved beepboop-desk underneath the rules and moved suggestions-and-ideas to The Lounge.
  • Added The Bulletin Bread category for all stream/server updates with the following channels.
    • server-news: General news about the server/stream/other events
    • schedules: All schedules will be posted on here from now on
    • live: Returning channel that'll show live alerts exclusively.
      • Addressed issues with past message visibility for all users.
  • Added new role titles to better match channel branding.
    • Crumb Club Members/Followers are now Doughvotees
    • Subscribers are now Bunefactors
    • Moderators are now Crustodians
      • All mods on Twitch are also mods in the Discord server.
  • Added Sourdough Spotlight category to shine a spotlight on moments of stream or their own stuff
    • plugs
    • Fixed a permissions sync error where this channel wasn't showing up at all.
    • clips
    • out-of-context
      • Have fun you heathens.
  • Moderators now have an exclusive chat category named Wheat Watchers with these channels, along with relevant privileges. All Twitch mods are Discord mods.
    • Event Log: Breadbox Server Log
    • Round Table: Mod Chat
  • Moved voice channels above the Crumb-on room category.
  • Updated Crumb-on Room Channels List as follows
    • the-lounge
    • question-of-the-day
      • Moved qotd bot posts to this channel.
    • mugshots
    • noms
    • I-made-this
    • arcade
    • popcorn-time
    • suggestions and ideas
  • Added Feels-Cave Category for more sentimental/feel-y stuff. This category includes...
    • vent
      • Vent will allow for anyone to do as the channel says: To vent into this channel and let it aaaall out. Messages will disappear after leaving the channel.
    • awwwww
    • feels
  • Archived Feedback, questions, & salt channels.

And those are your updates for the channel! Stay toasty for next stream, everyone! 🍞
